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Virginia Natural Gas rates and tariff information

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Virginia Natural Gas Rate Request

Virginia Natural Gas (VNG) has filed a rate request with the Virginia State Corporation Commission (VSCC) seeking to recover investments made to modernize and improve our gas infrastructure to ensure the delivery of clean, safe and reliable natural gas to more than 310,000 customers in southeast Virginia.

Learn More >


Riders are rates that reflect temporary changes to your bill. They are approved by the Virginia State Corporation Commission (VSCC) and may appear as a credit or a debit. Riders on Virginia Natural Gas bill statements for business/commercial customers include the Weather Normalization Adjustment (WNA) and the Steps to Advance Virginia’s Energy (SAVE) program.

WNA for Residential Customers - (Rider B)

The WNA allows for an adjustment on bills to reflect normal winter weather conditions. A bill credit is added in colder-than-normal winter weather conditions and a surcharge is added in warmer-than-normal weather. Learn more - WNA for Residential Customers | Virginia Natural Gas

Conservation and Ratemaking Efficiency Plan Rider (CPR) – (Rider D)

The CARE Plan is consistent with state energy efficiency objectives and the CARE Act, allowing the Company to implement important conservation initiatives while also continuing to recover the fixed costs of providing natural gas service to customers as well as CARE program costs.

Virginia Natural Gas and the Virginia State Corporation Commission (VSCC), the governing body that regulates utilities in the state, agreed to terms that will enable us to promote the benefits of conserving energy and reduce the impact of changes in gas consumptions for both customers and our company.

As part of the agreement, we have applied the CARE Plan Rider (CPR) for residential customers. The CPR ensures that we recover no more and no less than the allowed distribution revenue per customer approved by the VSCC and that the costs of implementing the CARE Plan are recovered.

The CPR is a credit when the actual distribution revenue exceeds the allowed amount or a surcharge when the actual revenue is less than allowed. The CPR is calculated by multiplying your consumption by the CPR factor. This factor can be found in our Current Rates.

Steps to Advance Virginia’s Energy Program Rider (SAVE) - (Rider E)

The Steps to Advance Virginia’s Energy (SAVE) program is a Virginia State Corporation Commission (VSCC) approved plan through 2029 to enhance the reliability of our natural gas delivery system by accelerating the replacement of pipeline infrastructure.

The SAVE program is designed to recover all approved SAVE-program related infrastructure replacement costs. The Company’s SAVE Program Rider and all rates are approved on a yearly basis by the VSCC. The current rates became effective January 2025 and will continue through December 2025.


Rate Schedule

Monthly Charge

Schedule 1


Schedule 1-A


Schedule 2-A


Schedule 2-B


Schedule 2-C


Schedule 3


Schedule 4


Schedule 5


Schedule 6


Schedule 7


Schedule 9


Schedule 11

 As Applicable

Schedule 12

 As Applicable

Schedule 13


Schedule 14


Schedule 15


Schedule 16


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Sales/Use Tax Information

During its 2004 session, the Virginia General Assembly passed House Bill 5018 which imposed new sales/use taxes on utilities and authorized utilities to recover these taxes from customers. Review the tax guidelines.